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Video Games

Afterlove EP Review – From the Heart

Afterlove EP Review – From the Heart

Afterlove EP is rough and raw but thematically rich and clear in its vision - about love, perhaps, but of…

Citizen Sleeper 2 Still Makes Me Sad, but In a Different Way Than Before

Citizen Sleeper 2 is probably a better game than the first, but the new vibe is less of what I…

Geek to Geek Media’s Game of the Year Awards 2024

Despite 2024 being an up-and-down year overall, we celebrate some of the game industry's triumphs and pleasant surprises with GtG's…

Caravan SandWitch Makes Me Question My Desire for Violence

Caravan SandWitch is a narrative-driven exploration game on a quiet planet with no combat that made me question my gaming…

Setting Sail in Ys 10 Nordics (Impressions and FAQ)

Curious about the latest game in the Ys series, Ys 10 Nordics? We provide impressions and some essential info for…

Yars Rising is a Metroidvania Love Letter to an Atari Classic

Yars Rising combines modern and retro sensibilities into a fun and quirky package. It's both a solid new Metroidvania and…

Iron Meat is a Satisfying Snack for Contra Fans

Iron Meat is a fantastic Contra-like shooter. With sharp pixel art, a rocking soundtrack, and intense action, it's a worthy…

Dread Delusion is a Morrowind Throwback Aimed Directly at my Heart

Dread Delusion fills me with all sorts of nostalgia in a compact throwback to Elder Scrolls of old... but did…

After Several Updates, WWE 2K24 is (Only) Decent on Steam Deck

WWE 2K24 is a beefy package that runs okay on the Steam Deck, but is not without some bizarre issues.

Minishoot’ Adventures is my Favorite Game of the Year

Even as someone who doesn't love twin-stick gameplay, Minishoot' Adventures take on the Zelda formula is fantastic!
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