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The Geek to Geek Media website is the home to both our blog The Geekery and home base for our broader collective of content creators. On the blog, our team focuses on game reviews, both for video games and tabletop games, TTRPG guides and articles, and we have some movie and TV reviews and posts. We often focus on indie games for both video and tabletop, but we love big names like D&D, Mario, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Mortal Kombat, and so on, too.
Our website is overseen by a team of gaming experts and content creators with various backgrounds and wide ranges of experience.
BJ helped found Geek to Geek Media in 2016, and has been writing and playing RPGs and video games most of his life. By day, he is Content Team Lead and editor for major WordPress resource site, and by night, he is a writer for and a Dungeon Master, who does his best to find new and devious ways to trick his D&D party. He's a Mithral bestselling author on DMs Guild (top 1% of creators) for his D&D adventures, and his novels Birthright and Nimbus have been #1 bestsellers on Amazon. He also writes the newsletter Beej's Magic & Monsters on Substack.
Troy has been contributing to Geek to Geek Media since 2019. Along with his written work, he is also the host of the Audio Only Let's Play Podcast “The Power Play-Throughs.” Outside of the Geek to Geek family, Troy is a host on “Too Young for This Trek” and the creator of “Podcasters Assemble”. He is also a dad, a doodler, and a designer. Find him on most social media as @TroytlePower or visit to see more of his work.
Jay (aka Capsulejay) has been covering video games via articles and live streams since 2015. After joining the Geek to Geek Media Network in 2018, he has worn many hats: Twitch Streamer, Community Manager, Game Journalist, Commissioner of E-Sports, and Anime Club Czar. When he isn't playing games or watching anime, he's probably hiking, building model kits, running, or spoiling his pets. You can find him on various social media with the handle @Capsulejay.
Erik Slader is an author, podcaster, and full-time nerd. He’s the co-author of the “Epic Fails” book series (The Wright Brothers: Nose-Diving Into History, The Age of Exploration: Totally Getting Lost, etc) and the creator of Epik Fails of History, a podcast and blog about the most epic fails… of history. His latest book is “2299“, a sci-fi / noir novella. Erik is also a co-host on 2 Young 4 This Trek: A Star Trek Podcast, a frequent contributor to (with his podcasting co-host and fellow blogger, Chris Carroll), and the current editor of Podcasters Assemble! He currently lives in Green Cove Springs, FL with his fiancé, two teenagers, and too many cats.
Kenny (aka Weeble Spleen) has been a full-time variety streamer since 2020. They are always on the lookout for the coveted “Cartridge in the Rough:” a poorly reviewed, bad, or under-represented game that is secretly a ton of fun.
Steve likes bad movies, good video games (Dragon Quest, Castlevania, etc.), and all manner of trivia. …OK, he likes some really bad video games too. Also known around the web as Falion.
More thoroughly online as Data_Error Blogger & DevOperator || Pokédex: 898/898 || Special Move: Hold B to Dash
The Geek to Geek community is a fantastic resource, and we may publish pieces from people who are not on our regular web team from time to time. We do so under the author catch-all of ‘Geek Friends' and each post discloses the person or persons responsible for the review.
Geek to Geek Media strives to be genuine and transparent about everything we publish. Our reviews are always marked if we have been provided with a copy of the game or media for the review. In no way does that affect the outcome or score of a review, and we take pride in being impartial and honest with the content we create. We want our readers to have the best experience possible, and our reviews reflect that. We play through everything we review, so you can be sure that if it has a score on our site, then our hands have been pressing the buttons.
Like our reviews, our guides are written based on our own experience with the media, and never taken from someone else's or from generative AI software like ChatGPT or Google Bard. In fact, no written content on Geek to Geek Media is created by generative AI. Because…ew.
Affiliate Disclosure: Our site is reader-supported. Many links across the site are affiliate links, and we might earn a commission if you click on them.
Geek to Geek Media is a collective of independent creators, dedicated to bringing high-quality content and building strong relationships within our community. All properties are creator-owned, and we have tons of content made just for you — all about the stuff you love! Whether it's video game reviews, podcasts, livestreams, blogs, actual play TTRPG shows, or just good, old-fashioned friendship…we have you covered.
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