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Geek to Geek Media

Tag: Steam

Dread Delusion is a Morrowind Throwback Aimed Directly at my Heart

Dread Delusion fills me with all sorts of nostalgia in a compact throwback to Elder Scrolls of old... but did…

After Several Updates, WWE 2K24 is (Only) Decent on Steam Deck

WWE 2K24 is a beefy package that runs okay on the Steam Deck, but is not without some bizarre issues.

Children of the Sun is Weird and Dark and Fantastic!

Take a sniper rifle and telepathic powers and mass murder a cult in this vibey action-puzzler published by Devolver Digital.

A Highland Song (PC Review) – A Longer Hike

A Highland Song combines 2D platforming, adventure game elements, survival mechanics, and rhythm sections into a compelling but occasionally confusing…
Cosmic Collapse (PC Review) – Darth Vader’s favorite Suika-like

Cosmic Collapse (PC Review) – Darth Vader’s favorite Suika-like

Cosmic Collapse trades in Suika's fruit for planets and makes a few smart tweaks to the formula; it's a standout…

Shmuptember 2023: Raiden III x Mikado Maniax is an arcade classic with a shiny new coat of paint

Raiden III x Mikado Maniax is a great excuse to revisit an entry in an iconic shmup series for veterans…

Teslagrad 2’s Steam Next Fest Demo Has Me Feeling Guilty About Teslagrad

I'm ashamed to admit that Teslagrad has been sitting on the hard drive of various PlayStations for years, and I've…

Case of the Golden Idol – Review

The Case of the Golden Idol is a well-crafted adventure game with retro appeal. It's bound to enrapture those with…

Fall of Porcupine is Free for Healthcare Workers!

Fall of Porcupine doesn't launch until sometime next year, but it looks like they are giving away 1000 copies to…

Superfuse is live with a multiplayer beta!

Blend a little bit of Diablo and a whole lot of superpowers and you end up with Superfuse, an action…
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