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Carrie Lambertsen

Carrie Lambertsen

Hamsters vs. Hippos: The Board Game Review

Hamsters vs Hippos is a fun and cheerful board game coming to Kickstarter on Oct 20, 2021. Check out our review!
Carrie Lambertsen

What is Tennis Manager 2021? (It’s a game!)

If you like the technical aspects of sports, Tennis Manager 2021 is a great simulation game for you with tons of details and options!
Carrie Lambertsen

Forgotten Treasure: The Card Game Review

Forgotten Treasure is a fun, quick, and easy to learn pirate themed card game coming to Kickstarter Oct 12, 2021!
Carrie Lambertsen

The Last Friend: First Impressions

The Last Friend is a fun tower defense, brawler type game with adorable dogs! And yes, you can pet the dogs too.
Carrie Lambertsen

What is Hoa? Our Look At This Video Game Work of Art

Hoa is a beautiful work of art with a philosophical story to it. Just beware of the drastic shift it takes.
Carrie Lambertsen

What is Kitaria Fables? First Impressions

Elinzia is absolutely hooked on Kitaria Fables. Read about her first impressions of this adorable farming ARPG!
Carrie Lambertsen

Treasure Cats: A Card Game Review

Treasure Cats is a fun, fast, little card game that is coming to Kickstarter September 21 2021. See what our thoughts are and check it out!
Carrie Lambertsen

Charterstone: The Board Game Review

Charterstone is a village building legacy campaign board game that evolves with each game and has so much ingenuity it is mind blowing.
Carrie Lambertsen

Zen Garden: The Zenist Board Game

If you are looking for a zen game to relax with, which can be customized based on how complex you want it, Zen Garden is your game!
Carrie Lambertsen

Tick-N Timebomb Card Game Review

Tick-N Timebomb is a very fun, light, and quick game that is a perfect addition to your game collection. See why we recommend it!

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