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B.J. Keeton

B.J. Keeton

Review: The Adventure from MyMinyFactory and Free League

The Adventure is a subscription from MyMiniFactory & Free League based on the Dragonbane RPG. It has 5e content and 20+ printables. But is it worth it? Yes.
B.J. Keeton

3D Printing Dungeon Terrain for D&D

3D Printing terrain for Dungeons & Dragons is a much cheaper option than buying pre-made and pre-painted sets of D&D dungeon tiles from Etsy or big companies.
5 Reasons To Buy ‘Chains of Asmodeus’ on DMs Guild ASAP
B.J. Keeton

5 Reasons To Buy ‘Chains of Asmodeus’ on DMs Guild ASAP

Not giving 'Chains of Asmodeus' a chance is really missing out on some of the best D&D that Wizards of the Coast has published in years.
B.J. Keeton

How to Be a Good Dungeon Master Immediately (5 Tips)

Do you want to learn how to DM for D&D 5e? I've been a DM for 20 years and have some tips you can use in your games to help you be the best DM you can be.
B.J. Keeton

Pathfinder 2e Gets Two Brand New Classes!

The two classes, animist & exemplar, are entirely new concepts, never-before-seen in Pathfinder or Starfinder, and tie in with a new canon event coming in 2024.
B.J. Keeton

9 Top Reasons We Need a Dragon Quest IX Remake NOW

DQ9 is the only game in the Dragon Quest series that has no remake, or update. Nor has it been ported to another console in 14 years, and it should be.
B.J. Keeton

Starfinder RPG Review: Paizo’s ‘Drift Crisis’ Adventure Path

The storyline is solid and epic enough to grab any group motivated by a good narrative. That's what TTRPGs are about & the Drift Crisis Adventure Path delivers
B.J. Keeton

How to Calculate Spell Save DC in D&D 5e (Explained & Charts)

Spell save DC in D&D 5e is determined by proficiency bonus, spellcasting ability score modifier, and any additional bonuses from feats, items, or other sources.
B.J. Keeton

The CY_BORG TTRPG is a Hellish, Brutal, Cyberpunk Delight

CY_BORG is a hellish, brutal, cyberpunk delight of a TTRPG with rules-lite gameplay, beautiful artwork and design, a rich world, and a robust community.
B.J. Keeton

Tavern Tales Revitalizes a Tired Trope in D&D 5e (Review)

Tavern Tales from Escape Plan Games invites you to reconsider how you use inns and taverns in your D&D Fifth Edition games, and it succeeds in nearly every way.

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