I've really been hooked on board games lately. While I have loved them my whole life…lately it's been more on my mind. My husband and I have been playing a lot of board games and I just keep wanting MORE! So, naturally, when I thought of what amigurumi to make this week, meeples came to mind. Meeples are the small figures used in many board games, often looking like the shape of a person. Therefore, in continuing my Summer of Amigurumi, I present the meeple.
My Meeple Magnifico
While looking for a Meeple amigurumi pattern online, I struggled to find any I liked. After a few hours of searching, it occurred to me that I could probably create one. Meeples are fairly straightforward shapes, almost like a star but the bottom two “points” in this case are feet. And I knew I wanted it squishy and cute. It took me about a day to get a rough draft of a pattern along with an even rougher looking amigurumi, but over the week I kept tweaking things.
Practical Pattern Perfection
Yes, I wrote an actual pattern. I have written patterns in the past for my own use. However, this pattern is actually available for everyone who wants to purchase. You can find it on my Etsy store.
The pattern is for those with an intermediate understanding of crochet. It is also written in US crochet terms. If you purchase the pattern and have any questions, I would be happy to help you as well.
Merrymaking Meeples of Mirth
Meeples are an iconic staple in board gaming. They are fun, small, little people that are fun to play with. I don't know how many hours I've wasted over my life just trying to see how high I can balance a tower of meeples. You can find meeples everywhere. As it is such a generic shape, it is something that is hard to copyright or trademark. In addition to the standard board game meeples, people have made meeple lamps, meeple shirts, and even meeple artwork.
Here is an awesome (free) pattern for sewing your own meeple pillow!
My Meeple Motivation

Often, the amigurumi I make are for other people. This meeple was originally just for me. As I said above, I have been pretty board game focused lately. When I have something I really enjoy, I want to surround myself with things to remind me of it. Amigurumi is perfect for that. With amigurumi, I can make fun toys that are cheerful, soft, and happy. I plan on making several more colors and creating a small meeple army for myself to keep on my board game shelves. Maybe I'll see how many I can add before my husband starts to complain.
If You Want To Purchase…
Very soon I hope to have finished meeple amigurumi available to purchase in my Etsy store. Until then, if you like to crochet or known anyone who does, the pattern is available now for anyone who wants. I would love to see pictures of finished products if you make some!