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Frogger: The Board Game Review

Do you have fond memories of playing Frogger in the arcade? Maybe you played it on one of the many consoles or mobile platforms it has been on? Well, now it's finally a board game! Race your frog across the street and over the river to be the first one to safety. This game is filled with strategy, laughs, and so much nostalgia.

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Title: Frogger: The Board Game
Release Date: Fall 2021
Price: $17-20
Suggested Audience Age: 8+
Number of Players: 2-4
Time to Play: 30 min
Availability: Check your friendly local game store! or Amazon
Recommended for fans of: Frogger the Video Game, 2-player games, family games

What's The Story

More of the board
Please ignore my dust

The same as the classic video game, Frogger, you are a little frog who needs to cross the road and river and get to safety.

In this board game version, you are racing against your friends to try to hop across safely, avoiding obstacles in your path, while trying to sabotage everyone else (if you're mean like that). Avoid vehicles, alligators, and more as you plan your route, being aware that the road in front of you may change.

What the Gameplay Feels Like

Frogger board

When I first got the Frogger board game, I was a bit skeptical. How would they be able to make the shifting lanes of obstacles work for a physical game? However, I am actually very impressed with the design. Each player starts their turn by taking a tile and sliding it onto a row where the red arrows point, thereby sliding all the tiles for that row down one space. Once each lane has had one tile added, then you take the end tiles off of each row and it starts again.

On your turn, you start by selecting and placing a tile, and then you make your move. A standard move would be to move your frog one space. If you'd like to spend one of your money tokens (which in this game are flies) then you may take a second move. You may not move diagonally unless you play a special “Corner Bounce” card which you only have one of. There are two other cards that give you special abilities, but each of these three cards may only be played once per game.

Reach the end before the other players do, and you win!

What I liked

The full board for frogger

The mechanic of sliding the tiles into the board really worked for me. Being able to choose which lanes you are going to add to, and which tile you will add, helps create a strategy. Planning ahead can be hard when your fellow frogs may try to mess you up.

The fun graphics of the board and tokens all are very nostalgic as well. Even the froggy meeples are made in a very 8-bit style. For anyone who, like myself, grew up playing Frogger, this game will absolutely make you smile.

What I didn't like

Special move cards

For some reason, I can not keep this game dust-free! Otherwise, it's a wonderful board game recreation of an iconic video game, and I am loving it.

Geek to Geek Rating: 5 out of 5 Flies

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Frogger box
My pet frog did not want to cooperate and leap for me

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