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Love is in the air in wow

Getting Started with WoW’s Love Is In The Air Event

Every February, World of Warcraft has a Valentine’s Day holiday event called Love is in the Air. Holidays in Azeroth have always been a fun side jaunt from the normal questing. Daily quests have no level requirements, although you will need to be level 50 in order to get the Big Love Rocket (the rare flying mount from the special boss).

In general, this event is just a cheerful bit of extraneous fun. So, if want a diversion from the nightmarish domains of the deceased in Shadowlands, come put on your lovely red dress or suit and have some candy.

The Lowdown

Love is in the air decorated archway

This lovely event (pun intended) is a yearly occurrence for the celebration of love. Both Alliance and Horde are able to celebrate with the main quest givers appearing in Stormwind for Alliance and Orgrimmar for Horde.

The basic goal for the event is to collect Love Tokens through daily quests. These Love Tokens can then be used to purchase fun seasonal items. If you are high enough level, you can also participate in a daily quest to defeat the evil event boss, Apothecary Hummel. Once a day as you take down this big bad, you loot a Heart-Shaped Box. Inside this box will be a special daily reward which could include Love Tokens, pets, toys, or the ultimate reward: a mount called Big Love Rocket. Sadly, the odds are extremely low for getting this amazing mount.

Big love rocket in wow
Just look at this thing Isnt it amazing I need this mount

How to Participate in Love is in the Air

Stormwind love is in the air arch wow

My main character is on the Alliance side, but everything is similar for the Horde as well.

First things first: travel to Stormwind! In front of the Bank in the Trade District, a very distinctly decorated archway is standing there for Valentine's Day. Under it, stand two goblins. Grab their quests and familiarize yourself with the holiday goods for sale from the Lovely Merchant.

Near the mailbox in front of the bank there is also a goblin named Inspector Snip Snagglebolt.

For the Horde, the quest-giver is near Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar, and is named Snap instead of Snip. Our buddy Snip will give you some daily quests. Snip is also how you queue up for the Crown Chemical Co. Trio, the dungeon that allows you the chance to try for that Big Love Rocket mentioned above and other goodies. (You can also use the dungeon finder if you're not in the capital city.)

What About These Charms?

Some of the daily quests require you to bring Lovely Charm Bracelets to people such as my hunktastic video game crush Anduin. From those goblins in town you get a Lovely Charm Collector’s Kit. Having this in your bag allows you to collect Lovely Charms from killing any enemy that would give you experience points or honor (so no running out and killing level one boars for these). Every time you collect 10 charms you can right click them to create a bracelet.

Then…it's back to Anduin. Over. And over. And over…erm…let's move on.

Achievement Hunting!

As I have said in previous posts about Warcraft, I am an achievement hunter. Therefore, events like this for me are another opportunity to have some silly goals to do things such as shooting 10 Love Rockets as fast as possible. Hint: for that achievement, The Rocket’s Pink Glare, it’s best to do it somewhere that isn’t crowded.

Official wow artwork for love is in the air

While you’re at it, take a look at the Achievements available (located under World Events in the Achievements window). This will help you plan out what you want else to accomplish and how to go about it.

My personal favorite of the Love is in the Air achievements? Flirt With Disaster. Buy some in-game alcohol and go find Sraaz in Ironforge. Get your character drunk, put on some perfume, throw a Handful of Rose Petals on Sraaz and /kiss him. Because that’s what the hero of Azeroth should be known for, naturally.

Just Have Fun

Portal companion cube vs wow decorations
You cant convince me they didnt pay homage to Portals companion cube left with their decorations for Azeroth right

I'm sure Blizzard's developers had fun while coming up with everything for this event. Personally, I think they are even paying homage to the video game Portal with their box decorations. The event is all about having fun. Obviously, the Big Love Rocket is amazing. It’s also super rare. Just enjoy the event and don’t stress yourself out trying to get everything. Remember that the event happens every year, so if you don’t 100% complete everything, you’ll just get to try again next year. This is all about silliness and a celebration of love! Happy Valentine's Day!

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