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Chicken nuggets

The Chicky Nuggies Phenomenon

Chickie Nuggies, Chicky Nuggies, Chicken Nuggies, Chicken Nuggs, Chickey Nuggs, or officially known as chicken nuggets. Whatever you want to call them, they have had an unusual amount of publicity lately. The babytalk term for chicken nuggets actually started in 2011. However, the show The Mandalorian with its “Baby Yoda” inspired memes made the phrase explode in popularity in 2020.

As a cultural phenomenon, chicky nuggies are everywhere now. They have been Halloween costumes. YouTube videos to teach you how to draw. Socks. My nephew designed his own tee shirt of a “Chickey Nugg Foundation” with the slogan “Making The World Better One Nugg At A Time”. I made the shirt for him and it’s pretty awesome. There are countless memes all over the internet. Even songs.

As we all know, “Baby Yoda” is adorable. Additionally, chicken nuggets are pretty tasty. Put them together, and you create a fad that increased chicken nugget popularity by 6.83%.  To be honest, I expected that number to be even higher. In fact, I expect my personal consumption of the questionable meat substance has increased by at least that much.

Alternative Uses

So what can you do with all those Chicky Nuggs? Here is a list of 25 uses after you have eaten your fill.

Disclaimer: Please don’t actually do these… or if you do, send us photos.

  1. Make them healthy! Blend those chicky nuggs with kale and spinach and just a splash of almond milk for a great on the go snack.
  2. Carry them in your pockets to distract ravenous wolves.
  3. Throw them at your friends for a spontaneous food fight! Bonus points if they were already dipped in honey mustard sauce… just avoid the eyes.
  4. Put googly eyes on them and use them for diorama scenes.
  5. Make new friends by walking up to random people and offering them one.
  6. Aquarium rocks!
  7. Cut them up and add them to your next batch of chocolate chip cookies. Protein!
  8. Put them in a rocket to send to outer space. Aliens love chickie nuggies.
  9. Chicken nugget smores.
  10. Go full Lady Gaga and create a suit of chicky nuggs.
  11. Use them to barter at flea markets.
  12. Infuse your water with them for instant protein.
  13. Dominoes.
  14. Mix with honey and chia seeds for a homemade granola.
  15. Gift to your friends for their birthdays.
  16. Create walkways in your garden using the nuggs as paving stones. You may need to replace frequently.
  17. Take your chicky nuggies on vacation with you to photograph in iconic landmarks.
  18. Put on top of maple donuts. Yum.
  19. Makeup brushes!
  20. See many you can balance on your cat before they wake up.
  21. Blend with beeswax pellets, shea butter, and almond oil to create homemade lip balm.
  22. String them up for a festive garland.
  23. Dip in paint to use as a stamp, try making your own artwork.
  24. Fill a swimming pool with them and dive in.
  25. Make a friendship bracelet.

Now, as I said… maybe don’t actually do any of those things. Chicken nuggets are pretty good just as they are. Dip them in some honey mustard, and you’re good to go. Just make sure you have enough for Baby Yoda to share some. And don’t forget the choccy milk.

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  1. I want a chicky nuggy friendship bracelet so much now. It’d be like those candy bracelets from when we were kids. But tastier. Maybe? I dunno.

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