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B.J. Keeton

Tomas Härenstam Gen Con 2024 Interview + Beej’s New Podcast

I was able to snag some of Tomas Härenstam's time at Gen Con this year to talk about Dragonbane and other cool games he helps create at Free League Publishing.
B.J. Keeton

I Got Fired. So I Went to Gen Con.

I lost my job on Monday and left for Gen Con on Tuesday. It was a whirlwind of emotions, both good and bad, but in the end, I'm hopeful for the future.
B.J. Keeton

GenCon 2024: T-Minus One Week and Counting

One week from today, I'll head to Indianapolis to Gen Con for the first time in 20 years. The only time I attended Gen Con was 2004, and I am stoked to go back.
Troy Dunham

Dread Delusion is a Morrowind Throwback Aimed Directly at my Heart

Dread Delusion fills me with all sorts of nostalgia in a compact throwback to Elder Scrolls of old... but did it have to include all the Bethesda Jank?
Troy Dunham

After Several Updates, WWE 2K24 is (Only) Decent on Steam Deck

WWE 2K24 is a beefy package that runs okay on the Steam Deck, but is not without some bizarre issues.
Troy Dunham

Minishoot’ Adventures is my Favorite Game of the Year

Even as someone who doesn't love twin-stick gameplay, Minishoot' Adventures take on the Zelda formula is fantastic!

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