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Carrie Lambertsen

Carrie Lambertsen

Getting Started with WoW’s Love Is In The Air Event

WoW's Valentine event, Love is in the Air, is all about a celebration of love and Big Love Rockets. Time for some silly fun!
Carrie Lambertsen

Among Us Custom Games without Mods

Among Us is a fantastic game and people have created some great mods for it... but what if you want a fresh take on it WITHOUT the mods?
Carrie Lambertsen

Why ‘Yearly Themes’ Work Better Than Resolutions

Goals are hard to keep. You mess up once and it’s over. A yearly theme on the other hand is more flexible. It can adapt as life throws curveballs at you.
What is the Torchlight 3 Endgame Like?
Carrie Lambertsen

What is the Torchlight 3 Endgame Like?

Did you know Torchlight 3 offers endgame content? It does! Read on to find out more about how to enjoy this game to the fullest.
Carrie Lambertsen

The Chicky Nuggies Phenomenon

Chicky Nuggies have become a cultural phenomenon lately. Here's a list of 25 alternative uses for your extra nuggs.
Carrie Lambertsen

Anticipated Games for 2021

2021 is anticipated to bring us some great video games! What are your anticipated games for 2021? Here's a small list of some of ours.
Carrie Lambertsen

Roundguard (Video Game Review)

Roundguard is a fun pinball style roguelike rpg dungeon-crawler! Has that caught your attention? Read on to find out more!
Carrie Lambertsen

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 released last week for Xbox, Playstation, and Windows. While the game has gotten a lot of publicity already, I thought I would take a moment to interview one of it's biggest fans: my husband.
Carrie Lambertsen

Anxiety in World of Warcraft

Video games can be a huge benefit to anxiety and stress. Let your game work for you by paying attention to how you are feeling and what is fun

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