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Troy Dunham

Troy Dunham

Golf With Your Friends (Switch) Review – The LoFi Girl of Video Games

Troytle has finally checked out everyone's favorite minigolf game, and is completely entranced!
Troy Dunham

Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX, Nintendo Switch Review – A Beautiful and Brutal Remake

While the updated graphics of Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX are phenomenal, the commitment to maintaining the original gameplay makes it a tough entry point for newcomers.
Troy Dunham

Lemon Cake: A Tasty Little Video Game

Lemon Cake is an adorably charming game about running your own bakery. While it can move quickly, it is also relaxing and comfortable.
Troy Dunham

Sun Wukong VS Robot (Switch) Review – A Mini-Metroidvania That Could Be So Much More

Sun Wukong VS Robot is a bite-sized Metroidvania whose edges are rough, but not rough enough to ruin the experience
Troy Dunham

What is The Solitaire Conspiracy? – Spy games meet Solitaire on the Nintendo Switch

The Solitaire Conspiracy is a pretty basic Solitaire game with an absolutely insane amount of work put into it's spy story and aesthetic.
Troy Dunham

Biomutant Continues to Surprise Me

Biomutant still isn't a great game. But between falling for its setting, settling into the gameplay, and being completely shocked by the first boss fight, I think I'm kind of loving it.
Troy Dunham

Astalon: Tears of the Earth (Switch) Review – An Instant Classic

If you are in any way intrigued by a retro-stylized action platformer, Astalon: Tears of the Earth is worth your time.
Troy Dunham

Our Wild E3 Predictions

What are your wild and absurd E3 predictions? Our contributors talk about their realistic hopes and then their absurd wishes, too.
Troy Dunham

Infinite Indies – Guerrilla Collective 2 showed off just a few upcoming games

TroytlePower shares a few highlights from this weekends Guerrilla Collective 2 showcase.
Troy Dunham

Mighty Goose (Switch) Review – Waterfowl-centric Run-n-Gun Action

There are few joys simpler than a good run-and-gun shooter. Enter Mighty Goose. This game brings great gameplay, a ridiculous story, and wonderful presentation.

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