Happy New Year! It is officially the year 2022 now (as hard as that is to believe). So what does that mean for us gamers? It means a lot of awesome stuff on the horizon! Check out this very brief list of some of the 2022 games our staff here at Geek to Geek are anticipating in the coming months and year. Obviously, this is not all-inclusive and some release dates may change. But it's still fun to speculate and dream. Breath of the Wild 2 anyone? Also, this list is not in any particular order – we're not brave enough to make those assumptions right now!
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
This one has been looming over the horizon for a while now, and everybody's on pins and needles about it. Will this sharp departure from the series' formula will be the breath of fresh air so many find it needs? Or will its ambition be its undoing? If absolutely nothing else, we're anticipating it out of sheer curiosity – but if this experiment works out, you sure won't hear me stop talking about it any time soon. – Data_Error
Rune Factory 5

It's no secret that I am impatiently waiting for this to release! Rune Factory is one of my favorite game series. While it was originally expected in 2021, now it is planned for March 2022. I am happy that they are taking the time to perfect it rather than just pushing it out for a timeline. Excited to see what this game brings!!! – Elinzia
Psst – me, too! Rune Factory's future was up in the air for so long that it feels like a sigh of relief to see it alive, well, and looking as welcoming as it ever has. I'm counting down the days 'till I settle down into Rigbarth and get to know its residents. – Data_Error
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

A spin-off from the Borderlands game series, featuring my favorite character Tiny Tina?? Yes, please. This action-RPG shooter game is expected in Spring 2022. If you played the Borderlands 2 DLC Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, this game is said to be a successor of it. Can't wait to see what craziness this brings. – Elinzia
Saints Row
This series has had its wonky ups and downs – and which games count as which depends on who you ask. But goshdarnit, I spent hundreds of hours goofing around in the Saints Row family of slapstick sandboxes with my college roommate, and I'll be darned if we don't spend dozens on its reboot. So long as Volition shows they still know how to make a tongue-in-cheek, play-above-all package, they can't go too wrong. – Data_Error

Expected to arrive on Steam and Xbox this March, Tunic looks absolutely charming. An indie game of action and adventure with puzzles and secrets. I know I, for one, am very excited to lead this brave, little fox onward to fight all the bad guys and gather the treasure. – Elinzia
Triangle Strategy

Octopath Traveller and Fire Emblem Three Houses were two of my favorite games in their respective release years, so this pixel art strategy RPG immediately caught my eye. Based on this game's very promising demo, there are also a few interesting wrinkles to the usual SRPG formula that I'm very curious to explore when the full game comes out. On top of that, I'm anticipating another stellar soundtrack that I'll be listening to long after the game is over. – Capsulejay
Kirby and the Forgotten Land

As someone who has been a big fan of Nintendo's pink puffball since I was in elementary school, I was floored when I saw a preview of Kirby and the Forgotten Land in a Nintendo Direct earlier in 2021. A fully 3D Kirby game is something I've wanted ever since the launch of the N64 and now it's finally happening! We don't know much about this game yet, but the juxtaposition of Kirby's cuteness with Forgotten Land‘s post-apocalyptic setting definitely has me intrigued. Spring 2022 can't come soon enough! – Capsulejay
What 2022 games are you looking forward to? Join our Discord server to chat with all of us!