luminary amiibo from dragon quest with joker from persona 5

Dragon Quest FM, S2 E39: Dragon Quest Tact, The Adventures of Dai, and Luminary Amiibo (“The Funko Pop tastes better.”)

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A lot of Dragon Quest stuff hit all at once. The end of 2020 is actually looking pretty good for our fandom.

First off, B.J. got the new DQ Hero amiibo (affiliate link). He tells Austin (and you guys) all about it. This leads to arguably the weirdest segment we've ever done, in which B.J. starts licking all sorts of action figures to see which tastes best. You will want to listen for this segment alone. B.J. has been podcasting for nearly 5 years, and this may be his favorite segment ever.

That said, it's nice to have the Hero amiibo in hand, even if it's a bit smaller and flimsier than we'd have preferred.

After that, it's off to discussing Dragon Quest Tact, a mobile strategy and tactics game, which is coming West! Woohoo! In fact, you can pre-register to be part of the Android early access right now. You will notified when DQ Tact goes live. We've signed up and can't wait. Tactics games tend to work really well on mobile, so we're cautiously optimistic that Dragon Quest Tact can hold our attention a bit better than Of The Stars did.

Plus! Get the story of how Austin won a DQ Tact prize pack from Japan (but doesn't have it yet). Plus, he tells a really long story about a lawn mower! That's worth listening to!

After the break, we're talking about the Adventures of Dai anime. You can watch it on either Hulu or Crunchyroll, and it's simulcasting to the US! Crazy! We're discussing the good, the bad, and the beautiful (because this anime is really pretty, y'all). B.J. talks about how it stacks up against the manga, while Austin compares it to the first couple episodes of the original anime series from the '90s. 

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Dragon Quest FM

Dragon Quest FM

Dragon Quest FM is a weekly Dragon Quest podcast hosted by Austin and B.J.!


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