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Troy Dunham

Minishoot’ Adventures is my Favorite Game of the Year

Even as someone who doesn't love twin-stick gameplay, Minishoot' Adventures take on the Zelda formula is fantastic!
Troy Dunham

Children of the Sun is Weird and Dark and Fantastic!

Take a sniper rifle and telepathic powers and mass murder a cult in this vibey action-puzzler published by Devolver Digital.
A Twisted Tale: As Charming as it is Promising [Chapter 1 Review]
David Erickson

A Twisted Tale: As Charming as it is Promising [Chapter 1 Review]

A Twisted Tale wears its adoration for cheeky adventure games on its sleeve, proving to be a rock-solid entry into the genre's indie-driven renaissance.
Troy Dunham

Berserk Boy is a Wonderful Game With a Frustrating Structure

Berserk Boy is a phenomenal action platformer inspired by Mega Man that is an easy recommend despite a structure that breaks it's pacing near the end.
Troy Dunham

Classified: France ’44 – Fantastic Tactical Warfare

Classified: France '44 is a new tactical RPG that has you controlling a squad of Allied troops and resistance fighters in Nazi-occupied France.
B.J. Keeton

Review: Pirate Borg RPG – Surreal, Dark, and Incredibly Fun

Pirate Borg is delightful in the darkest way possible and a great entry point for new TTRPG players and those who want to try out the MÖRK BORG system of games.

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