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Geek to Geek Media

Bobby Bozeman

Bobby Bozeman

The Sequel Part 2: The Sequencing

Welcome back to my multi-part blog post on sequels! Sorry for the wait last week, there was a lot to juggle and honestly I couldn't put off cutting the grass any longer and that took forever because my area had a flood a few weeks prior so it was like…
Bobby Bozeman

Let’s Talk about Video Game Sequels: Part One

Video games, more than any other medium of entertainment, revolve around continuing franchises -- long chains of sequels -- to the degree that when major developers unveil a new IP it's often huge news.
On constructing a good video game town
Bobby Bozeman

On constructing a good video game town

Video game worlds can usually be divided up into three fairly clean categories: overworlds, dungeons and towns. Dungeons get a lot of love, it’s true. But nothing quite makes me fall in love with a game or setting like a really well made town, city or village. I love towns…
Bobby Bozeman

Welcome to the 13th Story

The 13th Story will mostly focus on any number of random ideas and thoughts, but I really want to make it my goal to be insightful. I really want to express concepts and ideas that will help you appreciate games on a deeper level.

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