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Geek to Geek Media

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Futureproofing your game, a case study of Pokémon Go

Futureproofing your game, a case study of Pokémon Go

A little over three years ago, Pokémon Go became the first major break out mobile game. And the way it…

Gaming role (playing) models

The Luminary, Dragon Quest XI's silent protagonist doesn't say a whole lot. But, like a lot of JRPG protagonists both…

The power of pep propels you: hidden numbers and Dragon Quest XI

Dragon Quest XI's battle system is deceptively simple. You take turns attacking or using abilities and the monsters you're fighting…

Why I’m excited for Ring Fit Adventure

Fitness games have a reputation. They start out quirky and fun for a few days, maybe a week or even…
Be kind, please rewind (your SNES games on Switch)

Be kind, please rewind (your SNES games on Switch)

Link stumbles into final room of the Dark Palace. A familiar for dominates the room: a large orange beast with…

How Three Houses solves Fire Emblem’s pace problem

Fire Emblem, especially classic Fire Emblem, had a problem with pace. Allow me to illustrate: So Fire Emblem maps are…

How the builder genre is one of gaming’s most important emerging game styles

Back in late 2010, or maybe early 2011, all of my friends online were going crazy over this new indie…

Tokyo Mirage Sessions: An Outro of Shadow and Light [Video Game Review, Part 2]

On Spoilers: So I understand because this is a somewhat obscure game that there's going to be a lot of…

The asymmetric beauty of Mario Maker

Back when the Wii U was first released, one of the features that had fans really hyped was the concept…

We can dance if we want to: On music and rhythm in games

I've always considered myself fortunate to have been in college during the Guitar Hero / Rockband craze. I loved playing…

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