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dragon quest VIII

Dragon Quest FM, S2 E38 – All By Myself: The Orphan Hero Archetype in Dragon Quest

This week on Dragon Quest FM, we're continuing our discussion on archetypes within the series. For our final episode on…

Dragon Quest FM S2 E43: Dragon Quest And Translation

This week, we’re talking about translation and localization in Dragon Quest games. It’s a bit of a touchy subject with…
Dragon Quest VIII: Heroes and Villains

Dragon Quest VIII: Heroes and Villains

This week, we've finally reached Dragon Quest VIII! It's the next-to-last main entry game I have left to play. I'll…

Most Memorable Characters in Each Dragon Quest

This week, I just wanted to rank some of the most memorable characters in each mainline Dragon Quest game. That…

Dragon Quest VIII: Side Quests, Mini-Games, and More!

Last week, I talked a lot about the characters in Dragon Quest VIII. This week, I want to focus more…

Final Thoughts on Dragon Quest VIII

This is likely going to be my final post on Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. At the…
Dragon Quest IX: Angels, Alltrades, and the Almighty

Dragon Quest IX: Angels, Alltrades, and the Almighty

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies is the final game I have to play in my year-long Dragon…

DQFM Episode 28: Dragon Quest XII Wishlists!

Since this episode is airing on Black Friday, we figured it’s the perfect time to put together our wishlist! Not…
On constructing a good video game town

On constructing a good video game town

Video game worlds can usually be divided up into three fairly clean categories: overworlds, dungeons and towns. Dungeons get a…

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