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Dragon Quest FM Halloween Special: Spooky Monsters and More!

Welcome to our DQFM Halloween Spooktacular! Last year, we focused mostly on Dragon Quest’s spookiest moments. This year, though, we’re…

Dragon Quest FM S2 E43: Dragon Quest And Translation

This week, we’re talking about translation and localization in Dragon Quest games. It’s a bit of a touchy subject with…
Dragon Quest FM, S2 E30 – Chrono Trigger is a Dragon Quest Game, Right?

Dragon Quest FM, S2 E30 – Chrono Trigger is a Dragon Quest Game, Right?

This week, we're talking about Dragon Quest's first cousin once removed…Chrono Trigger. With the 25th anniversary of its North American…

Dragon Quest FM, S2 E39: Dragon Quest Tact, The Adventures of Dai, and Luminary Amiibo (“The Funko Pop tastes better.”)

Dragon Quest Tact, The Adventures of Dai, and Luminary Amiibo all come out, and Beej licks them all! ("The Funko…

Dragon Quest FM, S2 E 32 – “The Adventure of Dai” Manga (#SpitefulManga 2: The Sequel)

It's been a year since we did a specifically manga episode, so this week...we're talking about manga! And anime! Particularly,…

Dragon Quest FM S2 E33 – No Country For Old Dragons: The Old Man Archetype in Dragon Quest

After our Twitter poll on Old Men in Dragon Quest, we had to do an episode on it. The results…

Dragon Quest FM, S2 E26 – Dragon Quest IV Deep Dive (Episode Three): Monsters and Villains

It's week three of our Deep Dive into Dragon Quest IV! In this episode, we're discussing the monsters and villains…

S2 E41 – Dragon Quest Tact Early Access Impressions

Austin had some top secret access to DQ Tact on iOS and B.J. got selected for it on Google Play…

Dragon Quest FM, S2 E25 – Dragon Quest IV Deep Dive (Episode Two): Characters and Companions

It's Week Two of our Deep Dive into Dragon Quest IV! This week, we're talking all about the main characters…
Dragon Quest FM S2 E24 – Dragon Quest IV Deep Dive (Episode One): Let’s Talk About History and Legacy!

Dragon Quest FM S2 E24 – Dragon Quest IV Deep Dive (Episode One): Let’s Talk About History and Legacy!

It's the first in our Deep Dive series of Dragon Quest IV! This week, we're starting off by discussing the…

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