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Austin King

Dragon Quest IV (Ch.1): Ragnar McRyan and the Case of the Missing Children

For the next few weeks, I'm going to be talking about Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen. You can find my first post on the game here. But here is the short version: DQIV is a great game, and probably one of my favorite in the series. The game…
B.J. Keeton

Kingdom Hearts 3 Ending/Secret Ending Thoughts

At 40 hours, I saw the ending to Kingdom Hearts 3. At 52 hours, I saw the secret ending. And I have thoughts.
B.J. Keeton

Kingdom Hearts 3: Impressions at 13 hours

We have a full episode of the Geek to Geek Podcast coming up next week on Kingdom Hearts 3, but I wanted to get a few initial thoughts down while they are fresh.
Dragon Quest FM

Dragon Quest FM S2 E28 – Listener Q & A (Part One: Austin’s Answers)

This week, B.J. is still out because of his jaw, so we split our answers into two separate episodes. He'll be back next week to give his answers on everything. This week, though, Austin answered a wide variety of questions regarding Dragon Quest XI, speculating on XII, dreaming about Heroes…
Slime treadmill rocket slime
Dragon Quest FM

Dragon Quest FM, S2 E29 – Listener Q & A (Part Two: Beej’s Answers)

Welcome to Dragon Quest FM! It's the second and final portion of our listener Q & A! This week, B.J. is back and ready to answer all your questions!
Dragon Quest FM

Dragon Quest FM S2 E45 – Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary Wishlists

Next year is the 35th anniversary of the series, which means we will hopefully get lots of DQ goodies next year in the West! We know Square Enix and Armor Project have things in store, but we don’t really know what those are yet - and we definitely don’t know…

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