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Geek to Geek Media


Dragon Quest: Legend of the Hero Abel (Week One)

For the next several weeks, I'm binging the Dragon Quest anime series with a group of friends online. It's been…
Dwellin’ on the Past: Fun Times with the Altar of Ages!

Dwellin’ on the Past: Fun Times with the Altar of Ages!

Dragon Quest XI S is filled to the brim with content. In previous posts, I've talked about the mini-games and…
Dragon Quest FM, Episode 29: Mother, Earthbound, and Dragon Quest with Dan from GameApartment 1C

Dragon Quest FM, Episode 29: Mother, Earthbound, and Dragon Quest with Dan from GameApartment 1C

This week on Dragon Quest FM, B.J. wasn’t available. Thankfully, we already had plans to hang out with Dan from…
Futureproofing your game, a case study of Pokémon Go

Futureproofing your game, a case study of Pokémon Go

A little over three years ago, Pokémon Go became the first major break out mobile game. And the way it…
On Fire Emblem Three Houses and series progression or how Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is the unsung hero of FE

On Fire Emblem Three Houses and series progression or how Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is the unsung hero of FE

I love thinking about how gaming franchises evolve. And Fire Emblem is one of my favorite series both as just…

Getting your grind on: The misunderstood side of RPGs

So I know this is supposed to be part two of my review of Tokyo Mirage Sessions. And in a…

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