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Geek to Geek Media

Let’s talk about Dragon Quest. The beloved JRPG series has its hooks in us, and we’re okay with that. From metal slime hunting to beautiful art books to tinkering with a Japanese Nintendo 3DS, we are having quite the adventure with the series, and we want to share that with you. So what are you waiting for?

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More Dragon Quest Content

Austin King

Fragments of a Forgotten Past: Why I Was Wrong About Dragon Quest VII

A little over a year ago, I played Dragon Quest VII for the first time. I found the 3DS version to be slow, so I started up the PS1 version (which was supposedly even slower)…
Dqix hero
Austin King

JRPGs That Really Need to Be on the Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch is a little over three years old, and it's already established itself as a real JRPG powerhouse. Whether you're into the latest entries of Dragon Quest and Xenoblade Chronicles, or you want…
Austin King

How To Play Dragon Quest X Once the Free Trial Ends [Nintendo Switch]

A while back, I wrote about how to play the free trial version of Dragon Quest X on the Nintendo Switch. You can read about that here, if you want. Since then, lots of folks…
Austin King

Dragon Quest VII Art and Yuji Horii Interview

Recently, I purchased an official Dragon Quest VII guidebook from Viz. It's completely in Japanese (which I can't read), but it did feature an interview with Yuji Horii at the beginning. Unlike a lot of…
Austin King

Dragon Quest Tact Early Access Characters

I recently had the privilege to play through an early access closed beta of Dragon Quest Tact on iOS. You can read my thoughts on it by clicking right here. However, I wanted to share…
Dragon quest tact mobile game spin-off series
Austin King

Dragon Quest Tact Is Coming West And I Hope It Creates Its Own Spin-Off Series

I'm always insanely happy whenever we get new Dragon Quest games in the West. I was cautiously optimistic that Dragon Quest Tact, the new tactical mobile game, would eventually come West. It even made my…
Dragon Quest FM

Dragon Quest FM S2 E43: Dragon Quest And Translation

This week, we’re talking about translation and localization in Dragon Quest games. It’s a bit of a touchy subject with some fans. I compared it to putting my hand in a beartrap a while back.…
Dragon Quest FM

Dragon Quest FM, S2 E30 – Chrono Trigger is a Dragon Quest Game, Right?

This week, we're talking about Dragon Quest's first cousin once removed…Chrono Trigger. With the 25th anniversary of its North American release coming up in just a few days, we thought that there was no better…
Dragon Quest FM

Dragon Quest FM, S2 E39: Dragon Quest Tact, The Adventures of Dai, and Luminary Amiibo (“The Funko Pop tastes better.”)

Dragon Quest Tact, The Adventures of Dai, and Luminary Amiibo all come out, and Beej licks them all! ("The Funko Pop tastes better.")
Austin King

Playing Dragon Quest 3 (Part Three): Saying Farewell to a Legendary Hero

This is the final post on Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation. Last week, I warned against spoilers for the last half of the post. Well, this whole post is basically one big spoiler.…

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