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Geek to Geek Media


Roundguard (Video Game Review)

Roundguard is a fun pinball style roguelike rpg dungeon-crawler! Has that caught your attention? Read on to find out more!
Is Nexomon Extinction a Suitable Pokémon Substitute?

Is Nexomon Extinction a Suitable Pokémon Substitute?

Nexomon isn't even remotely trying to hide what it is. So how does it stack up against Pokémon, and how…

Founders’ Fortune (Video Game Review)

If you like Colony Sim games- check out this review of Founders' Fortune! It's a new game that just came…

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 released last week for Xbox, Playstation, and Windows. While the game has gotten a lot of publicity already,…

SantaCraft (Video Game Review)

SantaCraft is a light and relaxing game with a huge amount of festive charm. Turn on the sound to listen…

Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town (Video Game Review)

Story of Seasons Friends of Mineral Town is a remake of the 2003 Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town. Read…
Watch_Dogs is a Fun Game That Doesn’t Understand Morality

Watch_Dogs is a Fun Game That Doesn’t Understand Morality

Watch_Dogs shouldn't pretend it tells a deep, introspective story about the nature of revenge or that it is meditation on…

I’m a Big Fan of my Pokemon Snorlax Lamp from Teknofun (Review)

Have you been looking for some amazing Pokémon, Hello Kitty, or Pac-Man merch? Here's a great website to look at!

Cthulhu Saves Christmas [Video Game Review]

Can the Zeboyd Games follow-up to Cosmic Star Heroine live up to its predecessors and save Christmas at the same…
Superliminal (Video Game Review)

Superliminal (Video Game Review)

Puzzle games are almost inherently some of the most inventive games on the market. So, how does Superliminal distinguish itself?

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